Tuesday, August 09, 2005


yuHoo!!!! i wenT tO sEe the fireWorKs wiTh mY groUp oF psychotiC frienDs => fuKuS... bhS... lIng's ganG... jEEs... firsT tYm iN mY lifE i seE firE works...
oH miNe! siCkoly fuN... we weRe iN tHe open spaCe... starInG aT thE skY... me... Wen... jAs... sanG sonGs... lIke xiaO cha bos... hUi waS busiLy meDdliNg wiTh thE camereR and qiaN... eRM im nOT suRe whaT's shes doIng... ouT of sudden, thE fiRe woRk jUSt pOm!!! me anD weN wEre shOutIng hErE anD theRe... foR quiTe sometym... as thOuGh we wErE beiNg rapEd... ooPS!!! haHA!!! siCkolY in loVe wiTh firE worKS!!! sO romAntiC!!! hMMm... thE next tyM i gO, i maKe suRe i gO wiTh mY boyfriend... wO yaO... wO yaO! doTs... when i fiNd oNE ZAi SHuO Ba... haHa...=) afTer tHaT... we wenT tO cenTraL paRk... aND taKe pIctuRes... aS usuAl... zI liaN... haHa... gUi xiOng waS craPPing aroUNd...=) i weNT hoMe aT niNe plUs... hMmm... i walKed hoMe alOne... onlY THEN I realIseD lonelYnesS caN be prettY unbearable... aiYa! i miSs mY loVe lIfe... jEes...=) i loVe yoU guYs!!! muacK!



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