beEn sneezIng non-sTOp... theY saY if yoU werE tO sneezE ouT oF suDdeN meaNs soMEoNE iS miSsiNG yoU... hMmm... i haVe beeN sneeZing noN- stoP... i gueSs... haHa! soMeoNe iS miSsiNg me liKE nO bOdy's busineSs... Oo0! thAt's cooL!
tOdaY i had mY phoTo takINg sessIOn... iT turneD oUT thaT schOOl Is oN tiGHt budgeT...
anD ouR phoTograPher is noNe othEr thaN mr siN... doTs... haHa!
jeez! i hoPe the phoTos turN ouT niCe...=)
(oH miNE! i pUt oN a haIR baND! can yoU beLieve It? i beT iT's hOrrIbLe)
last nIghT... I messagEd friends and wisheD theM aLL tHe besT fOr theiR prelIms... hMmm... uGly surPrISed! he wiShEd mE "thanks... and your Ns too!' i waS uglY shocked! cauSed he haS goT lazY finGers... so kINd oF haPPy buT naH! pUrelY haPpy!
oh! tO that guY... iT is never easY tO psyCho yoUrself,
to piCk yoUrself froM whEre yoU feLL...
it's evEn harDer tO teLL yourSelf tHAt yoU wiLL bE abLe to fiND a beTTer oNE aheaD...
some maY saY shE has heR frienDs tO coNsoLe heR...
yeS! she doEs... bUT whO woUlD waNNa lISten tO heR saD stOriEs aLl daY loNg?
anD woUldnT heR frienDs get siCk of iT too? seeiNG heR breakdowN all The TYm... anD theR aRE some thIngs whEre oNE canT expRess iT verbaLLy!
YOu leFt hEr iN thE darK tO feNd heRselF... woUldnT thaT be a littLe tOo cruel?
anD yoU leFt hEr iN tHe tSunaMi stAte... scaRRed her foR thE tyM beiNg...
anD noW shE iS cuRRenTlY serVing hEr faLLiNG- iN-loVe-wiTh-yoU! terM...
shE doNt deservE thaT... siGH! spaRe a thoUGht foR heR... shEs in despaIr!
beEn sneezIng non-sTOp... theY saY if yoU werE tO sneezE ouT oF suDdeN meaNs soMEoNE iS miSsiNG yoU... hMmm... i haVe beeN sneeZing noN- stoP... i gueSs... haHa! soMeoNe iS miSsiNg me liKE nO bOdy's busineSs... Oo0! thAt's cooL!
tOdaY i had mY phoTo takINg sessIOn... iT turneD oUT thaT schOOl Is oN tiGHt budgeT...
anD ouR phoTograPher is noNe othEr thaN mr siN... doTs... haHa!
jeez! i hoPe the phoTos turN ouT niCe...=)
(oH miNE! i pUt oN a haIR baND! can yoU beLieve It? i beT iT's hOrrIbLe)
last nIghT... I messagEd friends and wisheD theM aLL tHe besT fOr theiR prelIms... hMmm... uGly surPrISed! he wiShEd mE "thanks... and your Ns too!' i waS uglY shocked! cauSed he haS goT lazY finGers... so kINd oF haPPy buT naH! pUrelY haPpy!
oh! tO that guY... iT is never easY tO psyCho yoUrself,
to piCk yoUrself froM whEre yoU feLL...
it's evEn harDer tO teLL yourSelf tHAt yoU wiLL bE abLe to fiND a beTTer oNE aheaD...
some maY saY shE has heR frienDs tO coNsoLe heR...
yeS! she doEs... bUT whO woUlD waNNa lISten tO heR saD stOriEs aLl daY loNg?
anD woUldnT heR frienDs get siCk of iT too? seeiNG heR breakdowN all The TYm... anD theR aRE some thIngs whEre oNE canT expRess iT verbaLLy!
YOu leFt hEr iN thE darK tO feNd heRselF... woUldnT thaT be a littLe tOo cruel?
anD yoU leFt hEr iN tHe tSunaMi stAte... scaRRed her foR thE tyM beiNg...
anD noW shE iS cuRRenTlY serVing hEr faLLiNG- iN-loVe-wiTh-yoU! terM...
shE doNt deservE thaT... siGH! spaRe a thoUGht foR heR... shEs in despaIr!
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