i woKe uP iN The mOrniNg... i wenT oUt for a K-bOX sessiOn wiTh mY buNch oF crazy friEnds... JasmIne qiaN yiNg gui xiOng wen hUi and me... pEi weN anD cherie weRe uNable tO joIn us... saD... nEvEr miNd thEre's alWayS anotHer tym i belIeve...=)
basIcaLly we sanG soNgs... LIng zaI's faVoUriTe: oNe smAll uMbRella(hOkkien)...
gui XioNg sanG... woO... thiS guY can siNg... QIAn YINg IS ThE Only oNe whO dint nOt touch The mIke... BasicaLly i hOgged The miKe lIke nO one's bUsinesS... oH man! wen hUi sang...
haha... Very fuN... swITch oFf tHe lIghT... gEttinG hiGh... danCing aRouNd... jAs anD mE saND alEx tO's TuO diaO... aiYa! we diD not geT to stRiP... haHa... nO oNe wanT tO see eiTher...
i sanG mY favOurite soNg 'tiaN tiaN' bY taO jI ji... aftEr thaT tHey aLl went tO poKe...
whiLe i wenT home... haha... MUack! guYs... thanKS foR tHE fuN...
i woKe uP iN The mOrniNg... i wenT oUt for a K-bOX sessiOn wiTh mY buNch oF crazy friEnds... JasmIne qiaN yiNg gui xiOng wen hUi and me... pEi weN anD cherie weRe uNable tO joIn us... saD... nEvEr miNd thEre's alWayS anotHer tym i belIeve...=)
basIcaLly we sanG soNgs... LIng zaI's faVoUriTe: oNe smAll uMbRella(hOkkien)...
gui XioNg sanG... woO... thiS guY can siNg... QIAn YINg IS ThE Only oNe whO dint nOt touch The mIke... BasicaLly i hOgged The miKe lIke nO one's bUsinesS... oH man! wen hUi sang...
haha... Very fuN... swITch oFf tHe lIghT... gEttinG hiGh... danCing aRouNd... jAs anD mE saND alEx tO's TuO diaO... aiYa! we diD not geT to stRiP... haHa... nO oNe wanT tO see eiTher...
i sanG mY favOurite soNg 'tiaN tiaN' bY taO jI ji... aftEr thaT tHey aLl went tO poKe...
whiLe i wenT home... haha... MUack! guYs... thanKS foR tHE fuN...
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