niGht tyM...
Im heRE agian... jusT wanT to leT him know, Its purely coincidence thaT we bumP into one another...
im not a stalKer anyway... haHa! i wont want to do suCh underhand stUff... haha...
i diDnt really study today... i mean during the night consultation... oNCe agaiN... i saw hIm... haHa...
doNt have to find out who he is... i was walkiNg wiTh rebeccA whEn we meT tricOcia...
she waS talKing to mE abOUt oranGE... im preTTy surpriSeD thaT she woUld chaT wiTh me aboUt hiM...
she saID thaT she waS shoCked thaT oranGe woUld chanGe tiLl suCH stAte... serioUsly i waS amAzeD thaT shE actuallY proMPted the coNversatIOn mOre thaN havINg oranGE aS ouR coNversatiOnal topIC...
mY coNclUsion afTEr havINg to chaT wiTh her...
*peoPle changeS as anD whEn thEy lIKe... havINg baD haBits suCh as smoKing...
buT doNT giVE excUSes suCh as peeR pressure...
cauSe iF yoU set your miNd to be a gooD girl or good boy for lIfe no one can change that...
sO pleasE donT tell mE iT duEd tO peEr pressUre thaT you do thiS anD that cauSe it onlY tells mE thaT yoU aRe not maTure... bUt i doNt miND havINg he or ShE As mY FRieNd...
contradictiNg HUh? haHA...('_'!!)
all riGht! enoUGh oF my preachIng! tyM to talK abouT soMething else...
richaRd senT me a teStimoNiAl... yuHoo! i havE beeN waiTing foR thaT siNCe the dAy I laSt chaTted wiTh hiM...=)
he kepT hIS proMise... yeaH! sO he was rigHt to object thaT 'promisEs aRE meant foR publiCation noT for fulfilLmenT' yeah!
to RicHArD! me... weN anD liNg zai wiLL dO soME catCHing up wiTh yoU afTer N leveL!=)
todaY i was iN schOol... i truLy agrEE wiTh whAt mRs Oh saiD... thiS (assembly) maY be oUR lasT tyM siNGiNg the schOOl soNg... sO we shoUld siNG oUT loUD... and yeah! evEryoNE sanG oUT loUD... i meaN those whOm wERe aroUNd me diD... iNclUding me...=) touChed! iF iM ouT of schOol... whEre wiLl i be wiThoUt the presence oF my freaKIng classmaTes? anD weiRD teachers? aHH! i doNt wanT tO knOW... i stIll wanT to spend aNotHer yeaR iN schOOl!
Im heRE agian... jusT wanT to leT him know, Its purely coincidence thaT we bumP into one another...
im not a stalKer anyway... haHa! i wont want to do suCh underhand stUff... haha...
i diDnt really study today... i mean during the night consultation... oNCe agaiN... i saw hIm... haHa...
doNt have to find out who he is... i was walkiNg wiTh rebeccA whEn we meT tricOcia...
she waS talKing to mE abOUt oranGE... im preTTy surpriSeD thaT she woUld chaT wiTh me aboUt hiM...
she saID thaT she waS shoCked thaT oranGe woUld chanGe tiLl suCH stAte... serioUsly i waS amAzeD thaT shE actuallY proMPted the coNversatIOn mOre thaN havINg oranGE aS ouR coNversatiOnal topIC...
mY coNclUsion afTEr havINg to chaT wiTh her...
*peoPle changeS as anD whEn thEy lIKe... havINg baD haBits suCh as smoKing...
buT doNT giVE excUSes suCh as peeR pressure...
cauSe iF yoU set your miNd to be a gooD girl or good boy for lIfe no one can change that...
sO pleasE donT tell mE iT duEd tO peEr pressUre thaT you do thiS anD that cauSe it onlY tells mE thaT yoU aRe not maTure... bUt i doNt miND havINg he or ShE As mY FRieNd...
contradictiNg HUh? haHA...('_'!!)
all riGht! enoUGh oF my preachIng! tyM to talK abouT soMething else...
richaRd senT me a teStimoNiAl... yuHoo! i havE beeN waiTing foR thaT siNCe the dAy I laSt chaTted wiTh hiM...=)
he kepT hIS proMise... yeaH! sO he was rigHt to object thaT 'promisEs aRE meant foR publiCation noT for fulfilLmenT' yeah!
to RicHArD! me... weN anD liNg zai wiLL dO soME catCHing up wiTh yoU afTer N leveL!=)
todaY i was iN schOol... i truLy agrEE wiTh whAt mRs Oh saiD... thiS (assembly) maY be oUR lasT tyM siNGiNg the schOOl soNg... sO we shoUld siNG oUT loUD... and yeah! evEryoNE sanG oUT loUD... i meaN those whOm wERe aroUNd me diD... iNclUding me...=) touChed! iF iM ouT of schOol... whEre wiLl i be wiThoUt the presence oF my freaKIng classmaTes? anD weiRD teachers? aHH! i doNt wanT tO knOW... i stIll wanT to spend aNotHer yeaR iN schOOl!
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