thaT waS taKen during school daYs...
chErie... Pei weN... Lydia(i lOok raDio'ed maN!) qian YIng.. jaSmiNe...
pHotOgraPher... weN huI...
wE aLl belOng toGether
(iM pUttiNg mY life aT riSk foR uploaDing thIs piCture)
sO guYs enjoy youRselVes!

its aFterNooN...
iM in the mOOd fOr a daNcy dance... I waNNa learN alL kiNda danCe...
pOle dance?! saLsA... beLly danCe... taNgO...( tHe danCe me and sUn wU koNg alwaYs anYhow dance!!!) suN wU koNg wheN i master tHe dance... you shaLl be mY paRtner aH...
but yoU haVe tO biTe tHe rose cause i wannA be tHe girL...=) you tOo taLl la! i canT caRRy yoU... so tOo baD! yoU got tO be tHe gUy! paRa paRa heRe and tHere!
anYthing eXcept lIon danCe... please aH! haHA...
dance aLl night loNg... do the lImbo roCk... wOohu! that's cool! iT toNes yoUr boDy...
anYthinG thaT hAs goT catChy tuNe... capTures my aTtentIoN man...
chErie... Pei weN... Lydia(i lOok raDio'ed maN!) qian YIng.. jaSmiNe...
pHotOgraPher... weN huI...
wE aLl belOng toGether
(iM pUttiNg mY life aT riSk foR uploaDing thIs piCture)
sO guYs enjoy youRselVes!

its aFterNooN...
iM in the mOOd fOr a daNcy dance... I waNNa learN alL kiNda danCe...
pOle dance?! saLsA... beLly danCe... taNgO...( tHe danCe me and sUn wU koNg alwaYs anYhow dance!!!) suN wU koNg wheN i master tHe dance... you shaLl be mY paRtner aH...
but yoU haVe tO biTe tHe rose cause i wannA be tHe girL...=) you tOo taLl la! i canT caRRy yoU... so tOo baD! yoU got tO be tHe gUy! paRa paRa heRe and tHere!
anYthing eXcept lIon danCe... please aH! haHA...
dance aLl night loNg... do the lImbo roCk... wOohu! that's cool! iT toNes yoUr boDy...
anYthinG thaT hAs goT catChy tuNe... capTures my aTtentIoN man...
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