she kicked my butt... jeEs! i waS wiTh mY laLa priNce in anothEr channel... anD cauSe oF her i ended my coNversatioN with mY guY abRuptlY!=( danG! iTs oNly eiGht in the moRniNg yoU knOw!!! im tireD! siGh! i promised heR tO accoMpanY for breakfasT aT Deli fraNce... wE enDed uP eatiNg caFe carTel iNsteaD...
i waS sO hungrY thaT i atE moRE THAn EVeR... it waS yuMmY! haHA... i waS eatiNG twOpersoN's sharE...
yeaH! expectEd! lOoK aT mY sizE anD yoU wiLl undeRStaNd... haHA! i'Ll gO oN dieT! AFTeR My examInatiOns...
whaT haPPened laSt niGhT: i waS iN school wiTh My freakIng craPpy friendS bikIni... toFu... ah ka... liNg zaI... qiaN... eEEbie... Kare neH... aH zhuanG... in schOol... haHa... noT foRgeTTing otherS whO were thEre... haHA...
i thInk manY werE theRe physiCallY buT noT mentaLly... iM oNe oF theM...=x ooPS! dont knOW whY i felt blaNk...
jusT blanK... i abSorbeD noThiNg yestErdaY throUgh oUt tHE entiRe evenIng... eyeS diD noT darT arouNd... as thEre waS nO one tO bIo... i was more of a lazY pIg thaN a craZy pig yestErdaY... i waS sO laZy that i suGgestEd go gai gai aroUnd schOol arEa to ah ka... bikIni anD tofU... haHA... oiNk! iN the end only ah ka go...
carElesS aS usuaL... i forgOT aboUt bikiNi's sweeTs... to biKinI... so soRRy! ah kA tooK jame's aND vinceNT 's(the boY who's baG molestEd mY fiLE... haha!) orDer... anD we wenT tO thE miNi maRt... saw cheNg haO anD we maDe hiM briNg back tHe orders... anD we tOok oUR tyM tO walK bacK to school... we saw Jb... anD made hIm zai boTh oF uS... wiTh ah ka iNfroNt aND me aT tHe bacK... haHa...
afTer thaT we wenT bacK to schOOl... pacKed oUr baGS anD leaVe! doTs! suPpOsed tO be iN liNg zai'S hoUse bUt endeD uP goiNg tO eeEbIe's hoUSe... qians secoND hoMe? haHa! afTEr that i wenT hoMe...=)
its suPPose tO be a haPPy daY tomOrrow...
buT nOw its more oF a soUl reseachIng daY... anD sO froM now oN...
25th of eacH moNth shaLl be mY reflectiOn day...
she kicked my butt... jeEs! i waS wiTh mY laLa priNce in anothEr channel... anD cauSe oF her i ended my coNversatioN with mY guY abRuptlY!=( danG! iTs oNly eiGht in the moRniNg yoU knOw!!! im tireD! siGh! i promised heR tO accoMpanY for breakfasT aT Deli fraNce... wE enDed uP eatiNg caFe carTel iNsteaD...
i waS sO hungrY thaT i atE moRE THAn EVeR... it waS yuMmY! haHA... i waS eatiNG twOpersoN's sharE...
yeaH! expectEd! lOoK aT mY sizE anD yoU wiLl undeRStaNd... haHA! i'Ll gO oN dieT! AFTeR My examInatiOns...
whaT haPPened laSt niGhT: i waS iN school wiTh My freakIng craPpy friendS bikIni... toFu... ah ka... liNg zaI... qiaN... eEEbie... Kare neH... aH zhuanG... in schOol... haHa... noT foRgeTTing otherS whO were thEre... haHA...
i thInk manY werE theRe physiCallY buT noT mentaLly... iM oNe oF theM...=x ooPS! dont knOW whY i felt blaNk...
jusT blanK... i abSorbeD noThiNg yestErdaY throUgh oUt tHE entiRe evenIng... eyeS diD noT darT arouNd... as thEre waS nO one tO bIo... i was more of a lazY pIg thaN a craZy pig yestErdaY... i waS sO laZy that i suGgestEd go gai gai aroUnd schOol arEa to ah ka... bikIni anD tofU... haHA... oiNk! iN the end only ah ka go...
carElesS aS usuaL... i forgOT aboUt bikiNi's sweeTs... to biKinI... so soRRy! ah kA tooK jame's aND vinceNT 's(the boY who's baG molestEd mY fiLE... haha!) orDer... anD we wenT tO thE miNi maRt... saw cheNg haO anD we maDe hiM briNg back tHe orders... anD we tOok oUR tyM tO walK bacK to school... we saw Jb... anD made hIm zai boTh oF uS... wiTh ah ka iNfroNt aND me aT tHe bacK... haHa...
afTer thaT we wenT bacK to schOOl... pacKed oUr baGS anD leaVe! doTs! suPpOsed tO be iN liNg zai'S hoUse bUt endeD uP goiNg tO eeEbIe's hoUSe... qians secoND hoMe? haHa! afTEr that i wenT hoMe...=)
its suPPose tO be a haPPy daY tomOrrow...
buT nOw its more oF a soUl reseachIng daY... anD sO froM now oN...
25th of eacH moNth shaLl be mY reflectiOn day...
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