todaY iS miD auTumN festIval... Im In THE MOoD for buRNiNg papEr laNteRNs...
danG! buT nO oNe to plAy wiTh... iM feelIng sad!
twO yeArs agO... i spEnt a memOrablE tyM aT tHE cenTral paRK plaYinG wiTh zhEn xiAn... hUi lIng... yaN liNg and hEr broTher... benjamIn... haW weI aND reBeCCa... (dID i miSs anYoNe oUt?) iT waS fuN... iT waS raiNiNg aroUnd sevEn pLUs... haHA... i liGhTed thE canDles anD helPed zheN xian tO dO soMe WAXiNG treaMent oN thE leg... haHA! fuN... i driPPed tHe waX oN hIs leGs and waiTed fOr iT tO drY uP... aNd pEel iT oFF... haHA... i goT thE waX oUT wiTh addtiOnaL thiNg! whaT eslE coULd iT BE bUt hiS leG haIr... haHa... bU gUi sHi maO maO!=) we haD oUr 'cAmP fiRe'... buRniNG thiNgs.. wE walKed aroUNd tHe paRk... hUi ling sUspecTed soMeoNe iN thE groUp liKes me... haHa... cause earLIEr On i meT thaT soMeoNE alONG wiTh mY coUsiN... anD we thRee walKed toGethEr... i wAS ABOuT To CROsS THe roAd when He graBbed mY haNd aND toLd me tO waiT... anD sO hUi liNg preSumeD he lIKes Me... whiCh i deNieD...( i dIdnt wanT her tO knOW he iS mY boYfrieNd...) haHA! she haS got accUratE siX senSe... i mUSt admiT... aftEr thAt i wenT hoMe alONg witH HuI LiNg... ThEy senT uS hoMe... oH miNe... me anD mY stoRy agAin...=)
todaY iS miD auTumN festIval... Im In THE MOoD for buRNiNg papEr laNteRNs...
danG! buT nO oNe to plAy wiTh... iM feelIng sad!
twO yeArs agO... i spEnt a memOrablE tyM aT tHE cenTral paRK plaYinG wiTh zhEn xiAn... hUi lIng... yaN liNg and hEr broTher... benjamIn... haW weI aND reBeCCa... (dID i miSs anYoNe oUt?) iT waS fuN... iT waS raiNiNg aroUnd sevEn pLUs... haHA... i liGhTed thE canDles anD helPed zheN xian tO dO soMe WAXiNG treaMent oN thE leg... haHA! fuN... i driPPed tHe waX oN hIs leGs and waiTed fOr iT tO drY uP... aNd pEel iT oFF... haHA... i goT thE waX oUT wiTh addtiOnaL thiNg! whaT eslE coULd iT BE bUt hiS leG haIr... haHa... bU gUi sHi maO maO!=) we haD oUr 'cAmP fiRe'... buRniNG thiNgs.. wE walKed aroUNd tHe paRk... hUi ling sUspecTed soMeoNe iN thE groUp liKes me... haHa... cause earLIEr On i meT thaT soMeoNE alONG wiTh mY coUsiN... anD we thRee walKed toGethEr... i wAS ABOuT To CROsS THe roAd when He graBbed mY haNd aND toLd me tO waiT... anD sO hUi liNg preSumeD he lIKes Me... whiCh i deNieD...( i dIdnt wanT her tO knOW he iS mY boYfrieNd...) haHA! she haS got accUratE siX senSe... i mUSt admiT... aftEr thAt i wenT hoMe alONg witH HuI LiNg... ThEy senT uS hoMe... oH miNe... me anD mY stoRy agAin...=)
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