alWAYs LIsTEn To whaT yoUr elderly sayS... alAmaK! todaY iS thE firsT tym i maDe cuRry pUff.. aNd i havIng mY thiNGy oF the moNTh... and mY graNny beiNg 'baN danG' toLD me nOt tO baKE aS iT WOuLDNT TuRN oUT gOOd... aS iN whatever i maDE WoNT COmE OuT thE WAy I wanT... bUt i REFUsED To Listen... anD true enoUgh.. iT tuRned oUt lIke tSunaMi... er xiNg maN! thE doUgh tOO soGGy... haHa... eeK! i gave oNe tO daddy... haHA... he tOok a bIte and gaVe iT bacK to me... he shOok hIs heaD aND said' hmM! nO nIce' haHa...
mY currY pUff looKed oKay la... buT tastEd lIke... bleah! hahA...
lessOn taUght: doNt do thIngs wHen yoU are havIng yoUr moNthLy thiNg... haHa!
tO jiAn biN... haHa... you baNana... yOu doNt haVe tO teLl the WhoLe woRld whAt I teLL YoU ba!!(-_-!!) jUSt stAy haPpy... whaTever yoU dO haVe goT a price tO paY... oInk! smiLe... trY tO piCk yOuRseLf uP frOm whErE yoU feLl... iT may take mOnThs... peRhaPs even years... taKe iT easy... I wenT throUgh wHat yoU wenT throUgh... haHa! i must admIt iT aiNt easY...
Im taKinG thiNgs a steP at a tyM... be da faNG! jia YoU!
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