iM thE waY i aM... loVe mE oR hatE mE!

Monday, August 29, 2005


wE arE havIng anG moh lessoNs iN thE coMputeR laB! siGh! so saD... chen chEn is gone...=( feel sO loNelY... No oNe tO taN xiNg shi wiTh...
shE liStenS tO mY craPpY stUff... especiaLLy when i suLk aboUt my loVe liFe...
i'LL miSs hEr... oH ya! shE callEd mE when i waS batHiNg lasT night... (miSS taN iS rigHt behiND mE nOW... oopS!) hoW caN sHe bE sO bliND? spEecHlesS maN!=l hOw aM i goiNG tO cope witH 'N' when mY resuLts sO baD!=( Im sO freaK oUT now! juSt hopE tHaT i can dO weLl foR my 'N'... jia yoU!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

soRRy... it shOulD be 15 auG 2005...
i goT thE date wrong!!!

me and cheN chen...
we weRe havIn bubble tea... so nice...
suDden decisoN oF takIn pictuRes!!!

Monday, August 15, 2005

iN thE coMputeR laB

hMmm... nOw iN thE lab... crappIng wiTh frieNds... die aH! i stuDieD chemIstrY lasT nIghT...
siGh! i gave uP iN chaPtEr niNe... eeK! chImOlogY man! i staYed awaKed tiLl 1 aM pLus...
heN lEi...=) wiLl i pasS mY chemIstRy tesT?? hopE sO... deciDed tO skIp receSS for thE saKe of mY chemiStRy... muSt paSS!!! yI diNg yaO! iF noT wo dEe t.A carD jIu fuLL of 'blOOd' eek!!!
jEes... tyM to stuDy haRd lE... jiA yoU! latEr reacH hoMe jIu yaO stuDy lE!
jEeZ! haHa... naRrow esCapE woR! heeZ... heRe i aM fillIng iN mY bloG, anD miss tAn thoUgHt i waS looKinG foR thE meanioNg oF thoSe worDs she aSkEd mE tO... haHA... shE saiD i lOoKed goOd when i typEd... (pleaSE aH... donT puKe!!!) somEtyM it's gooD tO pRaiSe yoURseLF... yeaH yeaH! iM cuTe... haHA! ooPS! jeeZ! i'Ve beeN eatiNg kFc foR thE pasT feW dayS... eeK! thE sigHt of kfC juSt turNs mE oFF... alAmAk! somEoNe coMMenTed i gaiNEd weigHt... soToNg... i thiNk it's tyM i asK u anF faDhiLLaH tO joG witH mE lE... tyM to caRRy oN wiTh mY anGmoH lessoN le...=) oiNK!


Saturday, August 13, 2005


yeaH yeaH! im feveR frEe le! oH miNe! i waS behaviNg lIke a sicK gaL foR twO days...
sO tireD! eeK! yestERDay, i haD a baD tyM iN thE toiLet... aLL becaUSe oF mY duMb tuMMy... iN thE enD, i reacheD schOOl aT 8.25am... jeez! fIrsT tyM iN mY liFe maN! sO prOud oF iT... doTs! aftER thaT, i haD mY poA tesT... siGH! aS uSual... i coNfiRm faiL thE tesT...=( i woNdeR hoW woUlD mdaM leOw reacT when she markS mY papEr... nO!! nO!!! i doNt wanT tO knOW!!!!!! scarINg mE...=/ jeeZ! evEn mrS oH knows mY naMe! oh miNe! whAt have i doNe... oF aLL peopLe shE caLLed oUT mY naMe when i waS wiTh aH huI anD maLi oUtsiDe thE genErAl oFFiCE!!! ... i muSt stuDy haRd foR mY chemistrY... muSt! and i wiLl dEe!=)
jiA yoU diA! oiNk!

I'm sorry I didn't mean to callbut I couldn't fight it
I guess I was weak and couldn't even hide it
and so I surrender just to hear your voice
I know how many times I said I'm gonna to live with out you
and maybe someone else is standing there beside you
but there's something baby that you need to know
that deep inside me I feel like I'm dying
I have to see you it's all that I'm asking.Vida, give me back my fantasies
the courage that I need to live
the air that I breathe
carino mio, my world becomes so empty
my day's are so cold and lonely
and each night I taste
the purest of pain.I wish I could tell you I'm feeling better every day
that it didn't hurt me when you walked away
but to tell you the truth I can't find my way
and deep inside me I feel like I'm dying
I have to see you it's all that I'm asking.Vida, give me back...

oH maN! thiS is how peopLe feeL when they nEeD loVe...=)


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

im sad

crap! been feeling sick since morning... tong zhen de hen tong.... i took panadol... it's effect only lasted awhile... now im down with fever again... you are always like that... you never make it a point to know how i feel... you just went off like that without sparing a thought for me... the pain was killing me... that's why i couldnt make it a point to say what i wanted to... and all u said was im like that since the day you knew me... it hurts alot... alot... alot more than anything else... it hurts alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im hurted... it's all your fault that i cry... i always thought only the testimonials sent by some bims can make me drop my tears... i was wrong....
you activated my tears since the day i met you... am i stupid? i dont know... if only you could see through my heart!


Tuesday, August 09, 2005


yuHoo!!!! i wenT tO sEe the fireWorKs wiTh mY groUp oF psychotiC frienDs => fuKuS... bhS... lIng's ganG... jEEs... firsT tYm iN mY lifE i seE firE works...
oH miNe! siCkoly fuN... we weRe iN tHe open spaCe... starInG aT thE skY... me... Wen... jAs... sanG sonGs... lIke xiaO cha bos... hUi waS busiLy meDdliNg wiTh thE camereR and qiaN... eRM im nOT suRe whaT's shes doIng... ouT of sudden, thE fiRe woRk jUSt pOm!!! me anD weN wEre shOutIng hErE anD theRe... foR quiTe sometym... as thOuGh we wErE beiNg rapEd... ooPS!!! haHA!!! siCkolY in loVe wiTh firE worKS!!! sO romAntiC!!! hMMm... thE next tyM i gO, i maKe suRe i gO wiTh mY boyfriend... wO yaO... wO yaO! doTs... when i fiNd oNE ZAi SHuO Ba... haHa...=) afTer tHaT... we wenT tO cenTraL paRk... aND taKe pIctuRes... aS usuAl... zI liaN... haHa... gUi xiOng waS craPPing aroUNd...=) i weNT hoMe aT niNe plUs... hMmm... i walKed hoMe alOne... onlY THEN I realIseD lonelYnesS caN be prettY unbearable... aiYa! i miSs mY loVe lIfe... jEes...=) i loVe yoU guYs!!! muacK!



sickoly frustratEd... WHY MUST YOU FORCE ME INTO SOMETHING I DONT WANT!!!!! i reaLly doNt feel liKe goiNg... everYoNe is gettIng oN my nervEs... thE blOg is... mY muM IS!!!! AHhHhhhhhHHHHhhhhHH!!!!!!!!!! i knOw whAt i waNt tO dO... AND I WIlL Do WHaT I SHOuLd!!! SO StOp ORDErInG Me AROunD!!!! im cooLiNg doWn...

soRry orange If i huRted yoU with whaT i saiD yesterDay... soRrY!=X i waNNA watCh the fire woRKS!!!! woUlD daD alLOw ME???? aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! oH miNe! eeK! i dreAmt of kP last nighT! oH miNe! what is haPPeniNg?!?!? oF aLL peopLe i dreAmt of hIm... haHa... thaT'S weiRd... jEeZ....=/


Monday, August 08, 2005


jUst reach hoMe... tirEd! woNder wiLl he wriTE mE A tesTimoNial... aSk hIm droP me a testimonial iT aS thOuGh i wanT hIS liFe... haHa... lazy bUm woR...=) alAmaK! meI ci dou Zhe yaNg... messagE half waY oNly... he m.I.a!!! his lOve for bbaLl never seEMs tO faDe... pEi fU!

meaniNgfuL lyricS..
.The loneliness of nights so longThe search for strength to carry on
My every hope had seemed to dieMy eyes had no more tears to cry
Then like the sun shined from up aboveYou surrounded me with your endless love
And all the things I couldn't see
Are now so clear to me

You are my everythingNothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything

Now all my hopes and all my dreams
Are suddenly realityYou've opened up my heart to feel
The kind of love that's truly real
A guiding light that'll never fade
There's not a thing in life that I would ever trade
For the love you give and won't let goI hope you'll always know

You're the breath of life in me
The only one that sets me free
And you have made my soul complete
For all time
For all time...

sweeT hUh?

suNny stIll...

soRRy cheN chEn... mY hP was miLes awaY froM me whEn u messAgeD... pOOr sister...
veRy boRed... soRry maN... oH miNe! i fEEl siCkoly guiLty... eeK! canT geT rid oF thE guiLt in mE!=( mUmmY tOok thE hP for a walk... siGh! stIll blaStIng tenSion'S soNg... muAcK!



hMMm... i feeL sO tiReD... siGh! bUt i had greAt fuN wiTh fuKus... haHa!
mE nOw brushIng UP oN mY canToNesE... chaTtIn onliNe wiTh s tAnS anD s chUa!!=0 aiYo! cant stanD s chUa! kEep nudgiNg through oUt the onverSatiOn!!!=X
iT sEems iM suFferInG froM thE earLY stAgE oF geTTiNg SENILE... I ACTuALLy FORGEt AlL aBOuT My hOUse kEys... i leFt iT wiTh s Ho...=( HmMM...
... actUally mR siN haI oK lA... thOuGh i heaRD loTs oF stUff abOUt hIm... he taLked tO me wHeN he saW me At bus iNterchAnge... bUt thEre's oNe thiNg i muSt saY... I DO NOt WAnT to see tHe uNpleasaNt siGh of hIm... i fEEl sO stranGe goiNg hoMe wiTh fuKus durIng natiOnaL daY... cause i haD nevEr go hoMe wItH theM afTeR speciAl schOOl EvenTs tIll the staRt oF thiS yeaR... abiT nOt usE tO iT aT fiRst... ooPs! i gueSS iTs cause i spenT tOO muCh tYm iN pB anD somethiNg elSe bA... sORRy fuKus... fOr i did noT reaLLy spend tym wiTh u gUys! during tHe firsT haLf oF the yeaR... nOW i blAstiNg TensiOn's 'She's havin my baby'... wiLl anY gUy siNg thiS tO mE? tenSioN roCks!!! haHa... kiddIng... oiNk! shAll stOp heRe...=)


Sunday, August 07, 2005


tyM passeS veRy slowlY...=( theRe's nOthIng tO dO... lOokIn aT the mirrOr... guEsS WHaT!!
I SAw a faT girl... tyM to shEd ofF extRa faTs, diA... arEnT u guIlTy oF nOT exErcisiNg???=(
siGh! hMMm... iM waiTiNg for 2.30pm tO coMe... i waNt tO waTch thAt siCkolY fuNNy shOw...
on chaNNeL u... i wOndEr if chen cHeN is free toMorrow... siGh! i proMiSe tO taKe pIctUre wiTh hEr tiLl now i haVen dO so... iF i doNt dO so, im aFraId i have tO waiT tIll yeaRS LAter...
so i mUSt fastEr fiNd tym for thAt... yeaH! i muSt!!!! oiNk!


Saturday, August 06, 2005


siGh! so boRed! thErE's nOthIng tO dO buT TO STUdY... NaH! NoT TOdaY...
oH maN! thE maMA shOp's unCle iS a mUrderEr... he soLd mE cuRry puFfs whIch lOOks oK yEt nOt oK!!!! tHe pOtatO has gOt a stIckY suBstAnce arouNd iT... anD iT'S verY nwaH!!!
yuCkS! iM sure iM goInG tO viSiT thE toiLEt foR thE nexT feW hourS! yawN...
i miSS mY frienDs... mY sLks... mY fuKUs... soBBy!!!! shAll stOp hEre! muAckIes!!!


Friday, August 05, 2005

weNt for moVie wiTh jAsmINe... we watCh charLie and thE choColaTe factoRy!
cOOl... i lIke iT thOugHT iTs kiNd OF draGgy!=) oH maN!
mR woNka is sick iN thE mINd... iS he tHe oTher side oF Me?=/ ooPs!

what mOre dO yOu waNt froM me? heLLo?!?!
yOu gUys aRe a bUncH oF idiOtIc moroNs parasITes! did i ever oFFenD yOu gUYs?
i doNt tHiNk sO! whO would waNT tO wasTe tyM oN YOu bUNcH oF biMbOs?
iF yOu aRe iN loVe wiTh rUhUa, gO anD wOo her THEN! WHY GET ME InVOlVE?
grOw uP lA! siCkO imPosTers!!! i reaLLy haTe yOu guYs tO The core!
If YOu gUys haTe hIm sO mUcH, teLl hIm straiGhT iN the faCe...
spOiL mY mOOd maN! jUsT aS I thouGht i coUld enD oFF wiTh a smIle oN mY faCe!
nevEr mINd! You'rE noT goNNa geT me!


Monday, August 01, 2005

i fiNaLly kNow wHo was tHe one whO useD abusiVe words agaiNsT me!
siGh! canT yOu beliEve iT? SHe haS beeN roTtIng oN eaRth for 17 yeaRs!!!
yeT her menTalItY iS aS gooD aS a 4 yeaRs oLd giRl... ooPs! bUt i doNt reaLly hoLd It aGaiNst hEr... maYbE sHe's In lOVe wiTh hIm... dowN wiTh flU... siGh!