iM thE waY i aM... loVe mE oR hatE mE!

Monday, October 31, 2005

it evEning...

earLier on i Met uP wiTh FAdHIlLAh anD hUi mIn the soToNg... we wenT tO cenTraL paRK foR a chAtTinG sesSion anD leTTer wrItiNG sessIon... actUallY i brouGht alONg LettErs wrItten bY OranGe... anD tHey reaD it... yeaH! jeEz! im iNTo suCh gIRLy stUff?
haHA... PerhaPS i aM...=) tHEy taUght mE hoW tO cyCle... As eXpecRed... I faiLed...
i jUSt coUlDnt bAlaNCe... oR ratHer MY boDy canT seeMs tO pSyCho mY paTHetiC miNd tO balAnce... danG! iTs sO coNtradiCtiNg maN! iM a lIbra.. I shOUld be aBLe tO baLAnCe yEt i CanT... haHA... afTEr thAt i wenT tO inTerchanGe wiTh tHe twO pysChotic girl...
maN! i was in mY schOol shOrts anD a shIrt... baSicaLLy i lOOk veRY luAn...
anD they pYschoed M into goiNg iNterChanGe wiTh them... I DId... HAhA... AFteR thaT i wenT hoMe...=) shaLL stop hEre...


Saturday, October 29, 2005


i woKe uP iN The mOrniNg... i wenT oUt for a K-bOX sessiOn wiTh mY buNch oF crazy friEnds... JasmIne qiaN yiNg gui xiOng wen hUi and me... pEi weN anD cherie weRe uNable tO joIn us... saD... nEvEr miNd thEre's alWayS anotHer tym i belIeve...=)
basIcaLly we sanG soNgs... LIng zaI's faVoUriTe: oNe smAll uMbRella(hOkkien)...
gui XioNg sanG... woO... thiS guY can siNg... QIAn YINg IS ThE Only oNe whO dint nOt touch The mIke... BasicaLly i hOgged The miKe lIke nO one's bUsinesS... oH man! wen hUi sang...
haha... Very fuN... swITch oFf tHe lIghT... gEttinG hiGh... danCing aRouNd... jAs anD mE saND alEx tO's TuO diaO... aiYa! we diD not geT to stRiP... haHa... nO oNe wanT tO see eiTher...
i sanG mY favOurite soNg 'tiaN tiaN' bY taO jI ji... aftEr thaT tHey aLl went tO poKe...
whiLe i wenT home... haha... MUack! guYs... thanKS foR tHE fuN...


Friday, October 28, 2005

niGht tym...

i woUld lIke tO shaRe thIs lYrics wiTh stUpiD s... fukUs... aNd lINg zaI!

~when ur spirit gets too weak~
We beg to borrow
We beg to steal
We beg forgiveness
We beg to feel
We beg for love
I guess we beg for hate
We beg for everything
And pray it's not too late
What everybody's tryna' feel
I guess we're tryna' heal
Everybody's got to kneel
No way to reinvent the wheel
Everybody's got to
Stand up on their feet
Everybody needs a dream
When the spirit gets too weak

So when your spirit gets too weak
When the water seems too deep
When you think there's just no way
I'll be there for you night and day
When the mountain
Seems too steep
When your spirit gets too weak
When you think there's just no way
I'll be there for you night and day

We beg for happiness
We beg for tears
We beg for courage
Just to overcome our fears
We beg to rise above
And hope we never fall
We beg for everything
And pray He hears our call
What everybody's tryna' feel
I guess we're tryna' heal
Everybody's got to kneel
No way to reinvent the wheel
Everybody's got to
Stand up on their feet
Gotta be there for your brother
When the spirit gets too weak

Although the road is rough
And sometimes you feel
Like it ain't enough
We'll be there for each other
We'll find the way


Thursday, October 27, 2005

iN mY brothErs rooM...

nOw its eveNing... i shoUld be feeLing energetiC yeT i feel as thouGh im stoNinG... stoNinG iN the proCesS...
im tireD! agAin anD agAin i did noT kEpt mY proMiSe, i diN noT gO for mY eveniNg jOg...
iM haD fuN plaYIng with liNg zai's nePhew... jEes! chUbby cheeks... hE smiLes alot... havIng fun banGing thiNgs arouNd hiM witH hiS bAby walkEr... jeEz!
oH mY lyDia! i sAw hiM toDaY... jEez! yUP! aS uSuaL nothiNg muCH buT a frienDly smILe... to indiCatE hIS exisTence...=)
what a wasTe! tHE inTer- hoUSe gaMe was canCelled! tHe weatHEr reFusEd tO coOperatE... anD worSe oF aLl a actUAlly askEd someonE tO taKe pArt... anD hE camE as pRomiSed...
buT thE weatHer spOilt it all! diAoz! danG! iT aiNt easY askINg soMeoNe tO taKE paRt...
danG! i aPolOgiSed tO hIm... lUCky hE maDe nO biG fUss aboUt iT... jeez! thaT waS cloSe...
to madAm tenG... Im soRry... foR i Tao youR matHs lEssoN... kNOw thaT yoU aRe kiND of disapPoiNted...=( sERioUSly! im felT guIltY wheN shE toLD a groUp oF us hOW diSappOInted shE waS... soRRy! nO more nexT tyM...

thOSe who aRe takiNg 'O's... aLL thE bESt! muacKz!

iN the coMputeR laB...

to Sun wU koNG... yoU banaNa cuM duRian... yoU a.P me woR...=) hOW darE yoU! oiNk... hahA... bOx nI!!!! i wanT tO dO baKIng... when wiLL aLL of yoU BE frEE? oiNk! danG! sO boRed... i haVEn had anY gOOD slEep siNce lasT weeK... haHA... kEep wakiNG uP iN thE mIDdle oF thE night... sOOm i wiLL becoME panDa... tyM tO keeP fiT...=) jiA yoU... i nEed tO lOOK gooD oN hEr biG daY... i mUSt... yeah!=)


Tuesday, October 11, 2005


la lA la! its mY birtHday... yeaH! haPPy birthdaY daRliNG LyDia... yoU arE oNe yeaR oLDer lE... jEes... iM mad... thaNks foR aLL tHE blessINgs gUys! loVE yoU guyS loTS... taTA!
i'Ll updatE aFTEr iM baCK froM chaLEt...
HonsonN... thaNKs foR siNgiNg mE a birtHday soNg over tHe phone... iM toUChed! yoU remEmbEred my birtHday dEe dee... yeaH! aLL thE besT foR yoUr O levEl... i loVe aLl of yoU !!!!!


Monday, October 10, 2005

in broTHers rOoM...

erM... Chen cHEn... i receiVed your caRD le... thaNkS! haHA... jUSt whEn i reacH hoMe... daDdy paSSed me thE birtHdaY carD... lOVe yoU gIrl!=) sO touChed! im oNly opEniNg iT toMOrrOw... turnIng swEet 16 Le! siGh!
in leSs theN 24 hourS iM goiNG to be a yeaR olDer... mAy mY sweeT 16 be a cOol aND memoRaBle oNe...
aLl i wanT iS.. tO heaR mY dreaM guY tO siNG me 'tiAn tiaN' bY davId taO anD wiSh mE hapPy birtHday... hAha... oF coursE! weLl wiShes froM mY baNana friEnds aRE danG iMportanT tOo!!! woNder whaT iS iN liNE foR me toMorroW anD wedNesdaY... goD knOWs!=) i knOW im goiNG to haVe loTs oF fuN... cauSe mY buNCh oF moroniC friEnDs aRe goiNG tO celEbraTe it wiTh me... yeaH! haPPy biRthdaY pIG pIG akA (X(00)X)... yoU aRE twO year oLd nOW! loVE yoU guYS fuKus!


aT aH qiAns hOUse...
im baCk... haPPy? of course i am! theN? weeP anD asK foR more? crAck poT! jEEs... brieF detAIls oN whaT haPPEneD suRiNG thIs weeK...i waS siCk... i suRviVEd stOmaCH flU... (Im sO pRoud oF myselF maN!) anD soMeOnes biRthday jUSt paSt... maNY manY moRe... wiLL upDAtE soOn... tO chEn chEn!!! thaNKS! caNt waiT tO reCeiVE yoUR caRD!!! muACks! meaN whILe everYoNE... taKe caRe!=)