it evEning...
earLier on i Met uP wiTh FAdHIlLAh anD hUi mIn the soToNg... we wenT tO cenTraL paRK foR a chAtTinG sesSion anD leTTer wrItiNG sessIon... actUallY i brouGht alONg LettErs wrItten bY OranGe... anD tHey reaD it... yeaH! jeEz! im iNTo suCh gIRLy stUff?
haHA... PerhaPS i aM...=) tHEy taUght mE hoW tO cyCle... As eXpecRed... I faiLed...
i jUSt coUlDnt bAlaNCe... oR ratHer MY boDy canT seeMs tO pSyCho mY paTHetiC miNd tO balAnce... danG! iTs sO coNtradiCtiNg maN! iM a lIbra.. I shOUld be aBLe tO baLAnCe yEt i CanT... haHA... afTEr thAt i wenT tO inTerchanGe wiTh tHe twO pysChotic girl...
maN! i was in mY schOol shOrts anD a shIrt... baSicaLLy i lOOk veRY luAn...
anD they pYschoed M into goiNg iNterChanGe wiTh them... I DId... HAhA... AFteR thaT i wenT hoMe...=) shaLL stop hEre...
earLier on i Met uP wiTh FAdHIlLAh anD hUi mIn the soToNg... we wenT tO cenTraL paRK foR a chAtTinG sesSion anD leTTer wrItiNG sessIon... actUallY i brouGht alONg LettErs wrItten bY OranGe... anD tHey reaD it... yeaH! jeEz! im iNTo suCh gIRLy stUff?
haHA... PerhaPS i aM...=) tHEy taUght mE hoW tO cyCle... As eXpecRed... I faiLed...
i jUSt coUlDnt bAlaNCe... oR ratHer MY boDy canT seeMs tO pSyCho mY paTHetiC miNd tO balAnce... danG! iTs sO coNtradiCtiNg maN! iM a lIbra.. I shOUld be aBLe tO baLAnCe yEt i CanT... haHA... afTEr thAt i wenT tO inTerchanGe wiTh tHe twO pysChotic girl...
maN! i was in mY schOol shOrts anD a shIrt... baSicaLLy i lOOk veRY luAn...
anD they pYschoed M into goiNg iNterChanGe wiTh them... I DId... HAhA... AFteR thaT i wenT hoMe...=) shaLL stop hEre...